Successful cloning of animals has been reality for a number of years. A variety of animals have been successfully cloned,
including sheep, cats, cattle, mice, goats and pigs. It is only a matter of time before humans too will be cloned. The issue
of transfering of the animal's persoinality has been looked into, but this has not been the primary goal for animals. It was
hoped that at best, the clone would contain some of the original animal's personality traits. Yet, is is known from animal
studies of large litters, where at least one set of twins frequently occurs, that twin mates are not any more likely to be
identical in personality than are material twin humans! The potential is always there. For example,. identical human twins
separated at birth, meeting after many years, to find they both like creative writing, or marry the same type of person, or
prefer the same style of clothes.
Commercial cloning ventures for animals have just begun to make their appearance. Examples include:
Genetic Savings and Clone
Lazaron BioTechnologies
Advanced Cell Technologies